Dec 10 |
|'s new EzAllowance Plan!
Easy way to earn your extra money Run your business anyway you want! This hosting plan gives you complete control of every aspect of your hosting business, from resource allocation to payment method. We would do the rest. No hardware or software purchases Reseller hosting refers to a Web hosting deal in which the account owner has the ability to use the allotted server resources (CPU, RAM, storage, bandwidth) to host websites on behalf of third parties—reselling it. This is most often done by consultants and Web developers who offer web hosting as an additional service. Reseller hosting is also a way for Web hosting entrepreneurs to start their own hosting venture. Most reseller hosting plans allow resellers to create their own service plans and set their own pricing structure. In many cases, resellers are able to establish their own branding by using customised control-panel webpages. Reseller hosting does not require the great technical understanding of infrastructure that hosting requires. Typically, the data centre operator is responsible for maintaining network infrastructure and server hardware. The reseller is responsible for interacting with his customers but is not responsible for hardware, software, or connectivity problems. The data centre operator is responsible for troubleshooting. In planning to become a reseller, consider all the steps below: | |