Knowledgebase: SmarterMail 8.x
Generate Month-to-Date Message Data (bandwidth) in SmarterMail

SmarterMail 5.x

  1. To generate a Month-to-Date Message Data, logon to the SmarterMail web interface ( with the administrator account credentials provided to you.
  2. Click on Reports button on the top.
  3. Expand Domain Summary Reports & Traffic Reports on the left and click on Message Data.
  4. Click on Add Favorite.
  5. Change the Default Date Range to Month to Date (all values remain unchanged) and click OK.
  6. Expand Favorites and click on the Message Date Summary.

SmarterMail 7.x - 15.x

  1. To generate a Month-to-Date Message Data, logon to the SmarterMail web interface ( with the administrator account credentials provided to you.
  2. Click on Reports button on the left. 
  3. Expand Domain Summary Reports & Traffic Reports and click on Message Data.
  4. Click on Set Dates on the top and select Month to Date.

Should you reach 100% of your bandwidth limit, your account will be temporarily suspended until the first day of the next month.

Shared Hosting Allotted monthly bandwidth Enterprise Business Email Allotted monthly bandwidth
Value II Hosting  20 GB Email Hosting 25G  50 GB
Budget Hosting  10 GB Email Hosting 50G  100 GB
Basic Hosting  20 GB Email Hosting 100G  200 GB
Premium Hosting  20 GB Email Hosting 150G  300 GB

1GB = 1024MB
1MB = 1024KB

Convert Kilobytes to Gigabytes