Knowledgebase: SmarterMail
How to Sync SmarterMail's Contacts, Calendars, Tasks and Notes with BlackBerry?

Acquiring The Plug-In:

  1. Download the plug-in from through the Blackberry browser.
    * Users of SmarterMail 5.5 to SmarterMail 7.x should use the BlackBerry Sync Client from Funambol version 8.5
  2. Once installed find the Funambol Blackberry Plug-in and select the icon
  3. You will see a "Welcome to Funambol Blackberry Plug-in" screen
  4. Press the Menu key and select Settings:-
    a. Server location needs to be formatted:
    b. Enter the Username:
    c. Enter the accounts password
    d. Select if you want to Sync Contacts, Calendar, Task, Notes
    e. Select if you want to Enable Scheduled Sync
    f. Select Sync Direction (Two-Way, One Way: Client to Server, or One Way: Server to Client)
    g. Select Sync Time Frame if you want to change default setting
    h. Select Log Level if you want to change default setting
    i. Select Menu and Save
  5. To manually Sync select Menu and Synchronize
    * Please note that Over-the-air synchronization of contacts, calendars, tasks and notes can ONLY be accomplished with the Enterprise edition of Smartermail 5.5 or higher