Knowledgebase: Office 365
Move or Copy files in SharePoint

In addition to moving or copying files in SharePoint, you can also sync SharePoint files with the OneDrive sync app.

For SharePoint Online user

  1. Select files or folders in a SharePoint library.
  2. Click the More icon  on the command bar, then select Move to or Copy to.
  3. On the Move or Copy panel, choose a destination in the current library, OneDrive, or another SharePoint site. (SharePoint Server 2019 currently only supports the current library.)
  4. On the Move or Copy panel, select a folder in the current library and select Move here or Copy here. If you want to move or copy your files to a new folder, select New folder to add a new folder. Enter a name for the folder, click the check mark, and then select Move here or Copy here.

For SharePoint 2019 user

  • Copy
  1. Select the items that you want to copy, and then click Copy to. Or, choose More   > Copy to for the item.
  2. Under Choose a destination, select the location where you want a copy of the files or folders. To create a new folder to copy the files to, click New folder.
  3. Type the name of the new folder in the text box.
  4. Click the check mark, and then click Copy here.

Note: Copy to isn't available if you're using the classic experience of SharePoint.

  • Move
  1. Select the items you want to move.
  2. In the main menu at the top of the page, click Move to. If you don't see Move to, click the ellipses (...) on the main menu, and then click Move to.
  3. In the Choose a destination pane, select the new location in the document library where you want the files to go and click Move here.
  4. In the Choose destination pane, you can also click New folder to add a new folder to the document library and move the item to the new folder. Type the name of the new folder in the text box, click the check mark, and then click Move here.

Note: Move to isn't available if you're using the classic experience of SharePoint.

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