Add DNS Records in cPanel

To resolve the server address with the domain names, DNS (Domain Name Service) is employed. There are numerous DNS records type such as A, TXT, MX, CNAME, etc. Each type of DNS record has a separate function; for instance, an A record resolves the server's IP address to the given domain, while an MX record sets up the mail exchanger for the domain. In this case, you may frequently need to update, add, or remove DNS records in cPanel.

Notes: This guideline applicable for domain that using cPanel nameserver. For example

  1. Log in to cPanel using Username & Password

  2. Navigate to DomainsZone Editor

  3. Navigate to a specific Domain Name → Click on Manage

  4. Click on + Add Record and dropdown the Type and select record type then fill in the details

  5. Now, to successfully add the record → Click on Save Record

In order to modify or delete existing DNS records, it can be done by clicking on Edit or Delete button besides of the DNS records.