- Log into SmarterMail with the email account you want to override the spam settings.
- Once in the SmarterMail interface, click the Settings link on the left-hand side navigation menu (it is an icon that looks like gears).
- Expand the My Settings and Filtering folder and click on Spam Filtering.
- Under the Options tab.
- Select Override spam settings for this account
- Click on the Actions tab.
- No Action: You may consider to select this action if your computer is equipped with the spam filter and let it do the job instead of the SmarterMail built-in spam filter.
- Delete Message: Highly discourage as this probably will delete certain legitimate email. Deleted messages are unrecoverable.
- Move to Junk E-Mai folder: This is the default setting that will move all spam email to the Junk E-mail folder.
- Add Text to Subject: If you would like to download all the email including spam and prefer to manage the email by using the email client filtering rules based on the email’s subject. You may consider this option.
- Click on the Save button.