Outlook Express stores emails in special files with .DBX extension.
Every Outlook Express folder has its own file with DBX extension. For
example, Inbox folder has a corresponding Inbox.dbx file, Outbox
folder has a corresponding Outbox.dbx file and so on. There is a 2Gb
limit for every DBX file ...
* Click button ADD and select MAIL... to start the Internet
Connection Wizard.
* Enter Your Name in the DISPLAY NAME field. This name will appear
in the From field of the outgoing message. Type your name as it would
you like to appear. Click NEXT button.
* Enter your e-mail address in the E-...
To setup your Outlook Express 5..0 to handle your new POP3 e-mail
account, please follow the instruction below :
* Select TOOL > ACCOUNTS... to start the Options dialog box.
* Click button ADD and select MAIL... to start the Internet
Connection Wizard.
* Enter Your Name in the DISPLAY NAM...
Email message header provides a list of technical details about the
message, such as who sent it, the software used to compose it and the
email servers that it passed through on it's way to the recipient.
One of the most useful pieces of information in the header is the IP
address of the origi...